Wow 32 weeks! Yikes!
Anyways, this weekend we had our childbirth class. It really wasn't anything too spectular but the instructor did give some information that was a little bit helpful and I now have a better understanding of how this whole birth business is going to work. It didn't scare me at all, except for the whole info on the epidural. Which I think I am now going to try my hardest to avoid and be as strong as I can. We'll see how that all works out.
I had a Dr's appointment on Friday, everything looks & sounds good!
Baby boy is doing good, I feel him moving a lot less now, and when I do, it's a lot less punches and kicks, but more stretches. He's head down now and has been for a few weeks, so hopefully he stays that way. Oh and the poor lil guy gets the hiccups...A 2 or 3 times a day!

Here is what is going on this week:
This week your baby weighs almost four pounds and could be up to 19 inches long. And though that's a head-to-toe length, your baby is actually back to a curled-up position (you try standing up in those cramped quarters!). You're likely feeling tapping and squirming instead of your baby's signature rocking and rolling. That's because, while comfy, your baby is a bit tight for exercise space right now. Your baby has also probably settled into the head-down, bottoms-up position in your pelvis in prepartion for birth. That's because the fetus's head fits better at the bottom of your inverted, pear-shaped uterus. It also makes it easier during childbirth if your baby comes out head first. Fewer than five percent of babies prefer the bottom-down (or breech) position by full-term. Don't worry if your baby hasn't assumed the head-down position yet. There's still a good chance he or she will flip head-side-down before birth — even in the tight confines of your uterus.
While your baby is still getting nourishment through the umbilical cord, it won't be long before you'll be bringing on the breast milk or formula (and soon after, the mashed carrots and peas). In anticipation of that momentous transition to mouth feeding, your baby's digestive system is all set and ready to go.
And because your baby is accumulating more fat, his or her skin is finally turning opaque (like yours), which means those see-through days are over. Though weeks away from D-day, your baby's looking more and more like a newborn.
And speaking of that big day, hope you're resting up for it — because your bambino certainly is. In preparation for that big first date with you, your baby is sleeping like a baby — with sleep cycles of 20 to 40 minutes long (which would also account for the decrease in movement you're likely feeling these days).