Monday, April 14, 2008

16 weeks

16 weeks!!! I woke up yesterday and said to Andy, "I wonder when my belly will stop looking like I ate too many donuts and more like I'm pregnant". But then I realize Hey! It does look kind of pregnant haha. For example, this was the 1st morning I woke up and it wasn't "deflated" from the night looks the same as it did last night! haha.

The baby was moving around a little bit ago...I guess it was waking up too hehe. I notice that it moves around when I eat or drink something really cold...can babies feel that!?!? weird.

I got this book from Amazon last week, it was only 49 cents hehe...I've been wanting to get it way before I was pregnant, I really love Dr. Seuss. You read it to the baby. Dr. Seuss has some research that the babies recognize the stories when they are out of the womb, from when they were in it!


Oh and here is the one and only piece of clothing my baby has too. It was $1.99 and gender neutral, so I couldn't pass it up!


So this week the baby is the size of a small gerbil haha. Or an avocado:



What else is going on this week:

Listen up: Tiny bones in your fetus's ears are in place this week, making it likely that the baby can hear your voice when you're speaking (or singing in the shower). In fact, studies have found that babies who are sung to while they're in the womb recognize the same tune when it's sung to them after they are born (so choose your baby Muzak with that in mind…).

And baby's busily boning up in other ways. For one, the backbone (along with the back muscles) is stronger now — strong enough, in fact, to enable your baby to work on straightening his or her head and neck even more. Baby's crown-to-rump measurement is between four and five inches in length, and weight is hovering around three ounces.

This little one's a looker — with a face that has both eyebrows and eyelashes — but a skinny looker since there's no baby fat yet. And here's the skinny on baby skin: It's practically translucent now, so if you took a peek inside your uterus, you'd be able to see your baby's blood vessels under that thin skin.


1 comment:

Carmen said...

16 weeks already? Wow! Is the big ultrasound scheduled yet? I found out the sex of both of my babies around 16 weeks!

